Sleep is one of the most important factors in releasing growth hormones, most especially for very young babies.While your baby sleeps, her little body produces 3x more growth hormones.
The good news is there is a way to promote better sleep for your baby: through a consistent nightly bedtime routine.
Learn more about the JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Routine, clinically proven to stretch your baby´s sleep by as much as 23%.
In addition to the JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Routine and products, there are countless other ways you can help your baby fall asleep and even share bonding moments in the process!
As a first time Mom I am really blessed and thankful to God to have a son. His name is Edmharc and his 10 month old now.
I am a currently working from Mondays to Fridays from 8am-5pm and my mom was the one who take care of him when I'm at work. But this doesn’t stop me from being a Mom.
My daily routine before my son go to sleep are the following:
a. I give him a quick warm bath using JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Bath
b. I apply him a powder using JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Powder
c. I give him a light massage using JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime LotionAnd definitely last but not the least is to whisper a word I LOVE YOU in his ear and telling how much I love him to have a good night SLEEP.